Coon Lab Team

Our cast

of scientists. all-stars. researchers. innovators.

The talented and dedicated researchers on our team are our most valuable resource.

Our team of researchers come from across the world and bring with them the know-how, passion, and drive that make our laboratory such a special place. With skills spanning from instrument building to code writing to bench biochemical methodology, our Laboratory is a melting pot for students to develop into well-rounded and sought after Ph.D. researchers.

Our Team

Joshua Coon

Principal Investigator

“I greatly enjoy working with my team. Guiding students as they develop into confident, creative scientists is immensely rewarding.”

Salma Abou Elhassan

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

”I am interested in gaining hands-on experience with Mass Spec instrumentation, as it has the potential to facilitate experiments for meticulous research questions and mining huge biological data. ”

Ben Anderson

Post-Doctoral Fellow

”The Coon Group has one of the richest data sets in chemistry, replete with biological insight.”

William Beimers

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

”I knew that the biochemical research done at UW Madison was some of the best anywhere, and the Coon Lab were leaders in all areas of biological mass spectrometry.”

Ben Chadwick

Post-Doctoral Fellow

”We understand a lot about the genetics of major fungal pathogens, but not much about how genetic variation leads to changes. I am interested in studying proteomics and metabolomics to bridge this gap.”

Li-Yu Chen

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

“The Coon lab is one of the leading groups trying to build up the bridge between chemistry and biology interface using cutting-edge mass spectrometry.”

Jack Chlystek

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

"I was in the Coon Lab as an undergraduate and was able to experience the impact of the research, it was hard to imagine continuing my scientific training anywhere else."

Dylan Forbes

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

"I am interested in propelling new ideas for analytical techniques and instruments for studying chemistry at the molecular level."

Annie Jen

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

“The Coon Lab is working on exciting cutting edge research, and I am thrilled to be a part of the team.”

Drew Jordahl

Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program

"The lab's creative and interdisciplinary research offers a unique approach to solving biological problems with instrumentation.”

Noah Lancaster

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

"The Coon lab has a history of innovation in bioanalytical technologies and offers a depth of expertise to support me during my graduate career."

Keaton Mertz

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

“The lab’s collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific offers both unique access to modify mass spectrometers, and the ability to have an impact on the greater research community.”

Marcel Morgenstern

Post-Doctoral Fellow

“The Coon lab has a proven track record in the field of mitochondrial proteomics and a deep expertise in MS instrumentation.”

Corinne Moss

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

“I wanted to do my PhD a lab that would give me experience applying mass spec to biological systems and allow me to get hands-on with the instruments.”

Daniel Nesbitt

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

”I have always been fascinated with the power of mass spectrometry and the Coon lab is the perfect place to deepen my interest while also expanding my expertise in other fields.”

Katie Overmyer

Associate Director, Lab for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry

“The big advantage of the Coon lab for me is that it does both metabolomics and proteomics...”

Mitch Probasco

Scientist, Morgridge Institute for Research

“Working on the instruments is both challenging and gratifying which keeps me motivated to continue learning more.”

Scott Quarmby


“As Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing… It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.” Starting as early as you can, find a lab and get involved in research. The things you see and the people you meet will guide you to a fulfilling career.”

Meg Robinson

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

”After working in proteomics research post-graduation, I knew I loved mass spectrometry and I wanted to be a part of this creative, collaborative team working on innovating the field in every possible direction.”

Austin Salome

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

“This lab is unique as it offers a large variety of research opportunities in areas such as metabolomics, proteomics, and instrumentation.”

Laura Van Toll

Research Center Administrator

”I have learned so much from being in the lab, it has definitely made me a better thinker and problem solver”

Bingnan Zhao

Integrated Program in Biochemistry Graduate Student

”I really appreciate the multidisciplinary and collaborative culture in Coon lab.”

Lia Serrano

Analytical Chemistry Graduate Student

“I’m highly motivated by the possibility of technological creativity enabling new ways to explore biological systems.”

Earn your Ph.D. with us

The Coon Group is always on the lookout for new members.  Professor Coon accepts students from several UW-Madison doctoral programs including Chemistry, the Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB), and Cellular & Molecular Pathology.