Drew Jordahl

Cellular and Molecular Biology Program Graduate Student

hailing from

Fargo, North Dakota


Graduated from North Dakota State University with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

What brought you to UW-Madison and the Coon lab?

During recruitment, I was very impressed by UW-Madison’s academic research and engagement with industry partners. The Coon lab excels in both of these areas, providing a wide variety of expertise and opportunities to support graduate students. The lab’s creative and interdisciplinary research offers a unique approach to solving biological problems with instrumentation. Furthermore, lab’s friendly and professional environment makes it an excellent place to work and grow as a scientist.

“The lab’s creative and interdisciplinary research offers a unique approach to solving biological problems with instrumentation.”

What are you working on in the Coon Lab?

I’m currently working on developing mass spectrometry methods that interface with cryo-electron microscopy (EM) to efficiently prepare and study protein complexes. This technology aims to solve key challenges in sample preparation for cryo-EM including sample isolation, preferential orientation, and denaturation at the air-water interface which makes structure determination impossible for many proteins. Solving these issues will allow the platform to provide tremendous value to the field of structural biology.

Earn your Ph.D. with us

The Coon Group is always on the lookout for new members.  Professor Coon accepts students from several UW-Madison doctoral programs including Chemistry, the Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB), and Cellular & Molecular Pathology.